Here you can find answers to common questions asked by our users. We suggest that new users must read these out to familiarize themselves with how Linkrex operates.About Linkrex
For every view that is forwarded through the advertising page, the Linkrex user gets credited.Frequently Asked Questions
In the Referrals section, you may find your referral link and ready made referral banners to place them on your website/blog or share them through any social media.Payments
In order to receive payments, your account details must be filled in with the correct details. Apart from that you must also have an account with either Paypal or Paytm or else a Bitcoin wallet. When using Bitcoin for payments, make sure that the bitcoin wallet address is filled in correctly as Bitcoin payments are non-refundable. Linkrex cannot be held responsible for any loss of funds due to incorrect Bitcoin wallet address filled in the user's account details.General Rules
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